
What the New Moon in Scorpio This November Means for You


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Scorpio season teaches us how to become our own shamans, alchemists, and psychologists as we explore the innermost layers of our beings. Not surprisingly, the new Moon in Scorpio is one of the most powerful Moons of the year and brings intensity, magic, and the capacity to transform our shadows into light.

This new Moon, more than others, opens a doorway to the subconscious, allowing us to see energies normally hidden. In viewing these vibrations honestly, we can understand where our blocks may be hiding. We also see, feel, and embrace our true desires—the ones we may not even feel comfortable admitting. It is a time to own them without shame.

When is the New Moon in Scorpio?

The upcoming new Moon takes place on Friday, November 1, 2024.

What the New Moon in Scorpio Means for You

As the Sun sits in Scorpio, it’s a magical time that brings the opportunity to face our deepest shadows, accept them, and learn from them instead of lean away from them. Ruled by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio brings us face to face with the raw truth of life. It brings up the more challenging topics of existence that we often choose to ignore simply because that’s more comfortable.

Avoidance, though, is not an option during Scorpio season. Everything comes up to the surface, and we have the choice to either work with what is normally hidden or run from it. Unfortunately, running is an option for only so long. Eventually, our shadows catch up to us and, one way or another, we have to confront them.

Scorpio season is an opportunity to do shadow work before these energies meddle in our lives and block our highest intentions. It’s a time to see what lies behind our conscious minds and controls us from behind the scenes. Scorpio reminds us that whether we face them or not, hidden energies exist, bringing in self-doubt and sabotaging our efforts. Through this awareness, we can accept and transmute our shadows. Only after these revelations are we are free to build our intentions on a sturdy foundation.

Illustration of the cycles of the Moon
The phases of the lunar cycle, including the new Moon (far right), which occurs when it’s situated precisely between the Earth and Sun, becoming invisible to us. (Illustration: Olya Haifisch | Getty)

Shadow work is some of the deepest work we can do on ourselves. It is an integral part of any healing practice and a necessary complement to our spiritual endeavors. If we choose to leave out shadow work and focus on other modalities, we will end up in an infinite loop of repeating patterns. Only through going within and facing our darkest shadows can we break conditioned patterns or self-sabotaging cycles that block our highest potential. While shadow work needs to be done alongside other practices, it is essential for our evolution.

Our shadow is where we place anything and everything that was too overwhelming, frightening, or intense when we originally experienced it. Our shadows also hold parts of ourselves we are ashamed of and cannot bear to face. We do not want to identify with these aspects of ourselves, so we separate from them by acting like they don’t exist.

When we look at our shadows from a compassionate viewpoint, we see that they are all the energies that we didn’t have the ability to confront—the things that were too much for us to experience in the moment because we didn’t have the tools to work with them. So we packed them away and placed them as far from our conscious identities as possible. The trick of the shadow, though, is that, as long as an energy remains there, it always has the ability to control us. It is attached to us and affects us until we unpack it and accept that it is part of us.

When you pause and reflect on the vibrations raining down on you during the new Moon in Scorpio, you can harness them to create impactful change in your life instead of feeling like you are on a rollercoaster ride. When you intentionally focus on the energies of the new Moon, you can direct them instead of them directing you.

Other Astrological Influences on the New Moon in Scorpio

The new Moon in Scorpio touches all of us, regardless of our Sun sign or location. This cosmic event offers a unique opportunity for transformation and growth in specific areas of our lives. It’s helpful to understand which house in your natal chart is ruled by Scorpio. Once you’ve identified your Scorpio-ruled house, you’ll know exactly where to focus your intentions for maximum impact.

Astrological houses represent areas of our lives. When the Moon is transiting a certain house, it activates the themes of that house. The new Moon in Scorpio will activate the house ruled by Scorpio in your chart. For example, if Scorpio governs your third house of communication, this new Moon is perfect for examining your exchanges with others. Look closely at your communication patterns and see how you can turn any potential obstacles into strengths.

Understanding these astrological nuances can deepen your connection with cosmic energies and enhance your personal growth. As you explore your chart this new Moon, you’ll gain valuable insights into your own inner workings.

Mars and Pluto are highly active on this new Moon. Mars in Cancer directly opposes Pluto in Capricorn with both planets days away from shifting signs. Whenever planets are about to shift signs, their energy amplifies.

As these planets oppose, they highlight shadow energies or lower frequencies each of them holds. Mars in Cancer emphasizes emotional sensitivity, intuition, and a desire for security. Mars is the planet of passion. In Cancer, it can cause emotional outbursts or overly sensitive energies. Be aware if you feel yourself overly reactive. Ask yourself what you are really responding to and if your reaction is aligned with the situation or if it is originating from your shadows.

Pluto in Capricorn suggests transformative energies in societal structures, career, and authority. It can represent big shifts in powerful institutions or longstanding systems. In its low side, Pluto in Capricorn manifests as overly controlling governments or the desire to overturn societal systems.

Pluto is also healing energy. Capricorn can help us heal from wounds resulting from societal expectations or patriarchal systems. This may be a day when you feel more triggered by society, government policies, even outdated paradigms. This opposition can also illuminate challenges in balancing emotional needs and societal pressures. You may feel the need to care for yourself more but also feel pulled to be productive in your career. This tension may lead to frustration. It may also manifest as conflict about following one’s heart versus following established norms.

While oppositions can create tension, they can also lead to balance. This aspect might be seen as an opportunity to integrate emotional growth with practical ambition or to find ways to align personal needs with larger goals. There could also be a heightened awareness of how personal actions and feelings impact the larger community or societal structures. Conversely, there might be a strong sense of how societal changes affect individual emotional well-being.

Quote relating to the new Moon
(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Invitation on the New Moon in Scorpio

This new Moon is an invitation to get to know yourself at every level and love everything you find. Scorpio teaches us that pressure is what makes the diamond. It’s through the process of intense self-inquiry that we gain the power to change our lives. This honest look at ourselves can sometimes feel uncomfortable, but it opens the way for incredible growth.

It’s not easy to face our shadows, but this new Moon in Scorpio asks that we find the courage to look at those shadows and understand them. Often our shadows are our subconscious emotions. They are fear, anxiety, guilt, regret, and shame. We don’t know how to process them, so we bury them in the corners of our minds, where they meddle with our lives without us even knowing.

In the eyes of Scorpio, though, emotions are simply energy. Therefore, they can be transformed just like any energy. Scorpio does not teach us to rid ourselves of intense emotions. Instead, it teaches us to transmute the energy into something else. Emotions, after all, carry raw potential. They are powerful. They help us change our lives once we learn to direct their energy.

The first step in transforming your emotions is to accept them. As you work with the new Moon in Scorpio, ask yourself if you are hiding from or suppressing any emotions. What is it that you don’t want to face? Even if we suppress or avoid them, emotions still affect us. Scorpio teaches us that it’s best to face even difficult emotions head-on. When we hold our emotions, they lose their potential to disrupt.

Sit and feel this new Moon. Be open to whatever wants to be seen and felt. See how they can shift from one state to another. When we accept anger, it often becomes motivation or clarity. Fear can become surrender and trust. Anxiety or worry can lead to calmness or even excitement. Sadness can lead to creativity and self-acceptance. And emotional attachments can lead to gratitude and an ability to move forward.

Looking at and accepting our emotions is only one part of shadow work. Our shadows are conditioned patterns that were formed many Moons ago. They hold our subconscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and situations beyon our control. These patterns can cause us to react without thinking or feeling. They operate from outdated narratives and ways of being.

Scorpio encourages us to be immersed in the present moment, which means reacting to the moment from information available at that time. This often requires breaking through old patterns that tell you to act differently but may not apply to the present reality. This new Moon asks that you look at how you react to the present moment. Are you operating from past patterns that no longer apply or don’t resonate with who you are today?

When we move past our reactions, we start to understand how the subconscious dictates our world and often undermines our conscious efforts to evolve. Becoming aware of these patterns automatically starts to shift them.

As you write your intentions this New Moon, notice what reactions you have to them. Also, notice the patterns that emerge as you write them. Are you limiting yourself or blocking your potential? Are you allowing your outdated programs to write your intentions and prevent your expansion before it even begins?

Feel the work you’ve done on yourself and acknowledge the version of yourself you are today. Place your attention firmly in the present moment, and when a conditioned response surfaces, ask yourself if it is really true. Furthermore, is it true for who you are right now? Write your intentions for this new Moon from the person you are today, having faced and accepted your emotions and shadows.

Return to your breath and your body when you need to, and always remember that you have the power to return to peace. This time can feel very intense at times as we ride the waves of Scorpio, but the turmoil is worth it, as we discover forgotten pieces of our souls.

Learn more about your weekly horoscope, phases of the Moon, and

Learn more about the new Moon in Scorpio, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Scorpio Season + New Moon workbook, from which the above is excerpted. Also, learn to liberate yourself from unconscious patterns with the 4-week Shadow Work course.

About Our Contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.


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