
What Neptune Retrograde Means for You


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There are gifts that exist within each astrological transit. Whether it’s the support to create, to become more of ourselves, or to experience life in a way that is rich with fulfillment, expression, and awareness. Neptune retrograde is no different.

When Is Neptune Retrograde?

Beginning July 2, 2024, Neptune will continue its backward spin in Pisces until December 7, 2024.

What Does Neptune Retrograde Mean?

Neptune is our planet of mysticism, imagination, oneness, and inspiration. It is a doorway into the sacred as well as a doorway for the sacred to pour into our everyday. It opens this door so that we may remember our belonging in the dreamscape where all potential exists. This is where all ideas, visions, peace, and healing resides, where our intuition speaks from, and where  separation ceases to exist.

Neptune’s medicine is found not only by escaping into this space, however. Its medicine is also found in our collaboration with its offerings, with becoming the bridge for its potential to become manifest. While Neptune exists in the energetic, we exist to weave it into the tangible.

Retrogrades are spaces for reflection and reorienting. As such, when Neptune is retrograde, it asks how have you been collaborating with the dreamscape? How have you been working alongside your creative inspirations? How have you been using your imagination and connecting with the sacred? How have you been living this role of creating the intangible into the everyday?

When in retrograde, Neptune makes the world of escapism and fantasy less available. It helps us land squarely in reality. What we have been turning away from we can no longer  It reveals truths we had previously clouded and asks us to look at the objective and the rational. It also ushers us into reflection, reorienting, rewriting, and reorganizing of our understanding of reality and of what we want for this life.

Neptune retrograde brings a questioning to our desires and dreams. Now that we have stepped out of the imaginal and are observing our lives with clarity, we are asked to confront what it is that we truly want? What is it that our life needs? And how can we tend to that in the one life that we have? Our desires reveal themselves when we are engaging with life. But we need to be present with life to receive from it. We need to be in it to create with it.

Photo of a statue of the Roman God Neptune
A statue of Neptune, Roman god of the sea and namesake for the planet that represents mysticism and a vast oneness. (Photo: piola666 | Getty)

Your Invitation

Neptune has been in Pisces for the last 13 years. Next year, it will move into Aries and begin a new 165-year cycle.

Neptune moves slowly. It offers its medicine patiently. This retrograde happens in the final moments of Pisces, bringing an energy of clearing and ending with it.

We are clearing out the patterns and fears within us that cause us to turn away from our lives and miss the offerings it is presenting us. We are bringing an ending unhealthy ways in which we fantasize that take us further away from living within them. We are remembering that we are here for the human experience, to be who we are, and to create in this tangible reality. We are remembering that Neptune wants to support that and not take that away from us.

While in retrograde, we are reorienting to this truth, and the ways that we use Neptune’s realm. We are tending to the grounded practicalities of our dreams. In so doing, we are understanding what they need to become real. And we are learning who they need us to become as we steward their becoming.

As Neptune retrogrades this year, it joins Saturn, who is also retrograde in Pisces. With both celestial bodies retracing their steps in the zodiac of imagination, creativity, dreaming, transcendence, and fantasy, there is deep restructuring happening in these spaces of our lives. While Saturn invites boundaries and discipline, Neptune invites us to land deeper in reality with presence and clarity. We know what we need. The medicine on offer throughout Neptune retrograde can be accessed only through being truthful with ourselves.

RELATED: Your Weekly Horoscope, June 30-July 6: Rewriting Your Story

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Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.


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