Tag: opinion

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The Importance of Balanced Frame Selection

In the ever-evolving world of eye care, the selection of eyewear plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. However,...

Maximizing Your Trade Show Experience

Summer vacations and European holidays are still in full swing in many places around the world across the northern hemisphere, and...

Overcoming Self-Doubt in the Ever-Evolving Eye-Care Industry

In the fast-paced and constantly evolving field of eye care, professionals are often faced with the challenge of staying ahead of...

Fixed vs. Variable Corridor Design

When selecting progressive lenses for your customer, you have the choice between fixed and variable corridor designs. Each design has its...

Getting The Adapt Right | The Optical Journal

Selling and discussing progressive lenses with customers who have had a history of being non-adapt or had a poor experience with...


5 Workouts To Lose Weight Without a Treadmill

Let’s face it, clocking endless miles on a...

Mood Swings: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Maybe you’re having a relatively relaxed day, when...
