Tag: newsletter

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Younger generations’ jaws at risk? Study links ultra-processed foods to dental deformities in children

A shift away from a hunter-gatherer diet, once rich in meat and plant-based foods, may be shrinking jawlines, especially in today’s world where...

Winner in prevention: The GBT Experience

  Survey of over 400,000 patients worldwide Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a systematic, evidence-based and modular concept for professional prevention, periodontal and peri-implant treatment...

‘New obturators’: Australian team combines 3D printing, AI and new materials for fine-tuned dental prosthetics

An Australian team from Metro South Oral Health is working to combine advanced 3D printing with AI and new materials described as “light”...

More U.S. dentists are getting younger, but average retirement age reaches 69

U.S. dentists, on average, are retiring at 69 as of 2023, returning to their pre-pandemic retirement age, according to data released by the...

Dentures may shield older adults from cognitive decline: study

Wearing dentures may help protect older adults from cognitive decline, according to a new study published in Aging Medicine on Dec. 23. Researchers from...


2.21 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What do you have...

Science and Common Sense About Physical Activity – BionicOldGuy

I discovered Dr. I-Min Lee, a professor of...

Brooks Glycerin 22 Review: Should You Upgrade?

With so many options to choose from, shopping...
