Tag: Health Tips

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How Earthgang’s Olu Reset his Health and Career Through Yoga

On the outside looking in, the life of Olu, also known as Johnny Venus—one half of the Atlanta-based hip-hop group Earthgang— seems like...

Medical Experts Explain What May Be Causing Your ‘Popping’ Joints

Sometimes, our bodies produce sounds that catch us off guard, leaving us wondering if we should be concerned or simply shrug it off....

Ultra-Processed Foods: What Are They & How To Avoid Them

Although you may not be a regular at your local fast-food joint, you might be unintentionally consuming similar ingredients. Shockingly, “Over 70% of...

Why Does a Deep Tissue Massage Hurt? And What To Do About It

Most of us can agree that massages feel great and are one of the best ways to recover after a week of tough...

Beat Afternoon Brain Fog With These Doctor-Approved Tips

When it’s 3 p.m. on a Wednesday, these might sound familiar to many of you: difficulty concentrating, frequent yawning, a sense of fatigue...


Brooks Glycerin 22 Review: Should You Upgrade?

With so many options to choose from, shopping...

How to Find the Best Brooks Shoes for You in 2025, Per Podiatrists

Brooks sneakers seem to pop up everywhere, with...

The Benefits of Bilberries and What They Are

There’s no way around it: Berries are good...
