Tag: Fitness Tips

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Massy Arias Shares Her Tips For Getting Your Summer Body in 8 Weeks

Whether we’re ready or not, summertime has officially arrived and millions of people have already begun trading in their sweatshirts for their swimsuits....

Logan Crosby Went from All-State Soccer Star to Country Music Superstar

Logan Crosby has been smashing one career goal after another on his road toward becoming one of country music’s top young artists. At...

The Best Ways to Warm Up For Your Specific Training Needs

Amid all the conflicting information about a warm up before a training session, it’s heartwarming to know that doing something is much better...

This Suspension Trainer Workout Will Help Build Strength in 15 Minutes

If time weren’t an issue and you had all the time in the world to workout, then being ripped would be easy, correct?...

Coach Naomi Doran’s Favorite Back Exercises For Optimal Growth

Fitness trainer Naomi Doran is our type of social media guru. Not only does she post inspirational updates on Instagram, but she qualifies...


2.21 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What do you have...

Science and Common Sense About Physical Activity – BionicOldGuy

I discovered Dr. I-Min Lee, a professor of...

Brooks Glycerin 22 Review: Should You Upgrade?

With so many options to choose from, shopping...
