Seeing ADHD as a Gift, Not a Burden — Reset ADHD


When you have ADHD, it can feel like you are a bother to others, especially when you have ADHD alongside other conditions. ADHD can be challenging. Who can deny it? However, it is important to remember, when you are dealing with ADHD and/or other conditions, that you are not a burden. You are a gift. It is important to know the distinction between the two.


A burden is heavy and challenging. And yes, ADHD is a burden at times. It makes life difficult. However, you are not your ADHD. Your identity is so much more than that. You are not defined by ADHD or any other condition you have. You are not defined by one aspect of who you are. You are not your ADHD, your shoe size, skin color, sexual orientation, or any other part of you that the world tries to make your identity. You are you. And, you may have burdens to bear, but you are not a burden. Your identity is so much more. You are a gift to others.


You have been given many wonderful things. Many of these are innate to who you are. Your sense of humor is one. Your curiosity is another. Think of all of the positive sides to ADHD traits. Yes, some are challenging, but they all have a flipside. Another side of the coin if you will. It is a gift to share your positive aspects with others, so do not be afraid of being yourself. There are people out there who will appreciate you for who you are. Fear not, and be who you were created to be!

In Conclusion…

I had an amazing experience where I realized that I am not a bother or a burden. This has shaped my understanding of who I am and has inspired this blog post. I hope you who read this will know your value. Again, you are not defined by the burdens you carry. There are so many wonderful aspects about you. I hope reading this blog post is the beginning of your love story with yourself. Fall in love with yourself. You have so much to offer. You are a gift.


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