
How to Reduce Menopause Symptoms: Natural Remedies – Ethical Nutrition



First, what is menopause? 

Menopause occurs when you don’t have a period for at least a full year (12 months) and it’s not due to pregnancy, illness, or birth control. Most females experience their very first symptoms 4 years before their last period. 

It’s worth noting that 1 in 10 females experience their first symptoms 10-12 years before their last period, so your first symptom is not always the start of a 4-year countdown. 

Symptoms can also continue for around 4 years after your last period, too. 

What is perimenopause? 

Perimenopause is the period of time between when you first see symptoms (though it can begin without your notice) as your hormones change before your periods stop entirely. This period can last for months or years. While most people experience some perimenopausal symptoms, some “jump” into menopause with seemingly no warning. 

What is post-menopause? 

Post-menopause is the term used to describe females who have stopped having periods for at least 12 months. 

When does menopause occur? 

For most people, menopause occurs around the age of 51 or 52, though black and

Latina people skew a little younger, at around 50. That means most people will start experiencing their first symptoms of perimenopause around 46-48. 

Around 1% of females begin perimenopause before the age of 40, while 5% experience perimenopause before 45. Both of these instances are referred to as ‘early menopause’. 

During menopause, your female sex hormones that have been high during your menstruating years start to fall, which causes your ovaries to stop releasing eggs. Because there are no longer eggs, you’ll stop having periods and will no longer be able to get pregnant. 


What are symptoms of menopause? 

Everyone experiences menopause differently, just as we all experience puberty differently. Your experience may be quite different from your friends’ experiences, or even your sister’s, though other females in your family may have (or have had) relatable experiences. 

The most obvious symptom of perimenopause and menopause are changes to your period. You may experience: 

  • Lighter periods than normal 
  • Infrequent periods 
  • Heavier periods than normal (though if you are dealing with heavy bleeding where you’re having to change your pad/tampon every 3 hours or less, check in with your doctor) 

Other common menopause symptoms include: 

  • Hot flushes/flashes (around 75% of all females experience this) 
  • Night sweats 
  • Insomnia/difficulty sleeping 
  • Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating 
  • Weight gain 
  • Anxiety and/or depression 
  • Reduced sex drive 
  • Dryness (can be mouth, skin, eyes, and/or vaginal)
  • Increased urination and increased frequency of UTIs 
  • Headaches 
  • Sore breasts 
  • General stiffness 

Don’t worry; you won’t experience all of these consistently throughout menopause, but you may experience some or all of these at some point as your body changes from perimenopause to post-menopause. 


Am I going through menopause? 

If you’re around the age people commonly experience menopause (around 50-52) and are experiencing some of the above symptoms, you’re likely going through menopause. If you’re worried, your doctor will be able to put your mind at rest. 


How do I know if I am going through menopause early? 

If you’re under 45 and experiencing some of the above symptoms, it’s best to talk to your doctor to have menopause diagnosed so you can put your mind at ease knowing the early menopause symptoms you’re experiencing are natural and to be expected. Your doctor can do a blood test to check your hormone levels, so checking is straightforward. 

How long can menopause symptoms last? 

Symptoms can last for around 4 years after your last period. 


What are complications of menopause? 

For most people, menopause is just an uncomfortable experience, but some do experience some complications, which include: 

  • Slower metabolic function 
  • Weaker bones 
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength 
  • Mood swings 
  • Painful sex 
  • Vulvovaginal atrophy 
  • Cataracts 
  • Periodontal disease 
  • Urinary incontinence (exercise can help prevent this) 
  • Heart or blood vessel disease Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly (especially some form of resistance training) will be extremely beneficial in helping you avoid these complications. 

To support your body, it’s also a good idea to take a menopause supplement and other supplements during this period of change and help prevent more serious complications such as brittle bones and cataracts. 


What are the best supplements for menopause? 

Some of the best natural supplements for menopause include any natural supplement that contains phytoestrogens. Many of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are caused by the fall in our oestrogen levels, a key female hormone. The rise and fall of oestrogen levels during our monthly cycle is often responsible for PMS symptoms, so it’s unsurprising that its decline causes us problems at this time. 

Phytoestrogens can mimic some of the effects of oestrogen, without the more harmful effects such as mood swings. This helps balance our hormones at a time when they’re “swinging” up and down. 

Our new supplement Meno Complex contains three of the best supplements for menopause because they contain phytoestrogens and antioxidants. 

It’s also a good idea to take a multivitamin supplement to ensure your body has all the support it needs during this time of transition. 


What’s in Meno Complex? 

Meno Complex is an all-natural supplement that contains wild yam, sage, and red clover. 

How does wild yam help menopause? 

Wild yam has a long history of being beneficial for menstrual cramps and menopause, dating back to the 18th century. In the 50s, scientists realised that it contains diosgenin, a phytoestrogen that can help balance swinging oestrogen levels. 


How does sage help menopause?  

You may normally only come into contact with sage when it’s used to season your food in the colder months, but sage is full of antioxidants and other health benefits. For menopause, sage helps significantly reduce the severity and occurrence of hot flushes and forgetfulness


How does red clover help menopause?  

Red clover contains phytoestrogens, a compound that naturally occurs in plants that mimics oestrogen in the body. Consuming phytoestrogens can help relieve symptoms of menopause (and PMS), such as hot flushes. 


Other Menopause Natural Remedies 

Besides taking a menopause supplement to help relieve your symptoms, some of the other ways you can feel better are: 

  • Make sure you get your daily recommended intake of vitamin D and calcium to support your bones 
  • Exercise and eat healthily to maintain muscle mass and strength, ease insomnia, and avoid menopause weight gain 
  • Keep a trigger diary – some foods (caffeine, alcohol, sugar, spices) can trigger hot flashes and headaches for some during menopause, so

    •  keep a diary of when you experience symptoms and any events that may have triggered those symptoms 
    • Drink plenty of water to avoid dryness and headaches 
    • Eat regular balanced meals to help balance out your hormones and make mood swings (and binges!) less likely. 

    Where can I find a supplement for menopause in the UK? 

    There are plenty of places you can find menopause supplements in the UK, but our new supplement Meno Complex contains some of the best all-natural ingredients to support your wellbeing as you go through menopause. To get your supply of Meno Complex, click here


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