
How to Lose Weight the Holistic Way


Deep Dive into Weight Loss Insights from Dr. Donna Poppendieck of Health and Wellness Online.

I remember when I was younger how anxious I was to get my extra pounds off as fast as I could. My self-esteem was all tied up in the number on the scale. Even when my metabolism cooperated and I lost a lot of weight fast, I’d unfortunately find those pounds again just as quickly. What I didn’t put into words or even thoughts at the time was the fact that I was overeating especially sugary and starchy foods to help control extreme emotional pain. Holistic weight loss is a better and healthier approach to dropping unwanted pounds…

Everyone is different, so folks have many different reasons for wanting and needing to lose weight. But quick weight loss through fad diets may not be the right answer for everyone, especially if you want to fix the issue so it doesn’t keep coming back to haunt you! And while many of these weight loss approaches have clinicals studies which show their effectiveness, they aren’t right for everyone. That’s why I always recommend that you work with a competent health care practitioner.

Eat Healthy Foods.

First, take a good look at what you’re putting into your mouth. Yes, it matters quite a bit. If you eat canned fruit instead of fresh fruit, that could be a problem, since canned fruit companies add sugar. (Also, they’re not fresh.) Sometimes they’re in their own juice, but even that packs lots of extra sugar into it. Or maybe you’re just eating a banana once in a while, or no fruit at all. Perhaps you’re consuming a great deal of products made with white flour, like bread, pasta, pancakes, waffles, pizza, breading on fish and chicken, etc. Clinically proven results demonstrate that white flour (plus sugar) accelerates the development of metabolic syndrome. (Think middle- and older-age diseases, like diabetes, cardiovascular issues, etc.)

Eat a Balanced Diet.

An assortment of whole foods, like vegetables, fruits, proteins, animal or vegetable, healthy starches like sweet potatoes, oatmeal, healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, etc. can go a long way toward making you and keeping you healthy – including weight loss and weight management! Sometimes when you just stop eating junk food you start to lose. I usually recommend that people start adding healthier foods a little at a time, and take out junk foods a little at a time. So you can slowly ease into healthier eating patterns, giving your taste buds time to change and before you know it, you find yourself wanting to eat healthier dishes. Don’t kid yourself – this is scientific, evidence-based information. And if this is not enough, work with a competent health care practitioner so you lose weight in a healthy manner. And by the way, what’s the rush?!

Get Some Moderate Exercise.

I recommend that people find something fun to do, because not everyone enjoys going to the gym, and certainly not everyone sticks to an exercise routine week after week. (My routines usually have a life span of about 2 weeks….) I love to dance; especially Latin and ballroom, so that usually ends up being my exercise. Going out dancing, or just putting on some music and dancing around my living room are great for getting my heart rate up! Beyond that, I make sure I get in a fair number of steps per day. What’s your preference for moving your body?

Get a Really Good Night’s Sleep.

Doctors recommend that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you feel awake and energetic during the day, you’re probably doing fine. If you feel tired, or have trouble falling asleep, for example, there are ways to improve your sleep health. It might be good to work with a sleep specialist if this is a major issue for you. Do common-sense things: avoid caffeine at nighttime, minimize your alcohol intake, follow a good sleep schedule, and have a healthy sleep environment.

Talk To a Professional

It may benefit you to get some type of professional assistance to help you navigate these waters to health and weight loss. I, myself, have gotten a great deal of counseling in my lifetime; it helped me a lot. However, it wasn’t quite enough, and I found myself more recently revisiting my eating issues with energy approaches. Regardless of what type of help you need, if it will help you realize your goals of weight loss and dieting, please go for it! After all, you’re worth it.

Learn to love yourself and your body, no matter what the scale says.

The “body positivity movement” is becoming more widespread on social media. But what is it really? It encourages a person to view themselves in a positive manner, no matter what the person looks like (or thinks they look like). Body positivity teaches you to treat yourself with love and kindness, even when others do not. If you have some extra love handles because you have experienced emotional or physical pain, remember that overeating (especially starches and sugars) is also an act of protection. It may not be the most healthy way to protect yourself, but it might have been the only thing available to you. Especially in early childhood (like me). Don’t use self-loving acceptance as a reason to continue to be unhealthy, but treat yourself as you might treat another person in the same boat. Be kind, understanding and caring.


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