
Did Your ADHD Diagnosis Inspire Confidence in Your Clinician? The various avenues to a diagnosis would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.


Doctor: Here, fill out this questionnaire, and please have your mom fill out this one.

Me: Okay

Doctor: Asks me a bunch of questions about my symptoms, so I answer.

Doctor: I’m prescribing you 10mg of Adderall. Let me know how it works in a month when I see you again. Also, bring those questionnaires with you next time.

Me: Okay

A month later…

Doc: Great, you have these all filled out, and yep, it looks like you have it. How is the Adderall working for you?   


I was at appointment with General Practitioner for my back pain. I said I wanted to talk with her about possible ADD ADHD. had me fill out a 2-sided paper of multiple choice questions, She came in and scored it and I was at “very highly likely” score.  No mention of a psychiatrist. I was super lucky to mention it and have meds in hand all within an hour!


My psychiatrist was amazing. Some of the questions she asked I didn’t know were part of the test! For example, when I walked in she was pulling out a pack of gum and she said “would you like some gum?” I said, “No, thank you.” She asked, “Why?” I said, “I don’t chew gum. It is a boring thing to do.”

We carried on and at the end she told me that the gum was part of the test, and my answer was typical for ADHD.

When I couldn’t answer a question (overthinking and had been there too long) she asked me to doodle. I got through it no problem…….she explained at the end that I needed to do something physical with something mental in order to concentrate. 


I went to two appointments with a mental health nurse practitioner, each appointment an hour long. She asked me a lot of questions, but I mostly just gave her a synopsis of my entire life and family dynamics.


I went through a 14-hour clinical assessment in 10 hours.

 1. Chat with doctor asking questions

2. Very long 2-3 hour questionnaire about myself (childhood and adulthood)

3. Shorter (30 min) questionnaire sent to someone who knew me as a child

4. 3-4 hour in person testing on a computer and with a proctor to test stuff like attention, short term memory, different areas of intelligence testing, spatial skills, auditory memory skills, etc.


I haven’t seen my psychiatrist yet, but I was asked to fill out a couple of ADHD questionnaires, an anxiety and depression questionnaire, a thorough medical and psychological history, including family mental health history, and an ADHD questionnaire for one of my parents.


654 true false questions about myself. All in one sitting….I ended up doodling on the page


Psych: tell me about what’s been going on

Me: *word vomit*

Psych: Well. You’ve got ADHD. There’s like no question


 I took Test of Variable Attention (TOVA). My results came back, and they were like, “Whoa! You really ARE ADHD!”


I just got told it. I think psychiatrists can just tell. If the meds work then that’s proof, I guess


Went in for an assessment, within a few minutes the physician said, “ Yes, definitely ADHD.”



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