Mental Health

Here comes the sun: associations between daily light exposure and psychiatric disorders

Healthy sleep and circadian rhythms (the natural, internal processes that regulate our bodily functions with the environment and repeat approximately every 24 hours)...

Are chatbots the answer to minimising inequalities in treatment access?

Access to mental health support is not equally distributed (Centre for Mental Health, 2020). Despite recent government commitments to improve the accessibility of...

Enhancing mental health care for autistic individuals

Autistic children, young people and adults often face a challenging journey when seeking mental health support. They experience a high rate of cooccurring...

what is the Smallest Worthwhile Difference?

Antidepressants do work (Cipriani et al., 2018; Tomlin, 2018) but they can also be problematic. Whilst they are very helpful for some, others...

Cannabis use disorders associated with a greater risk of affective disorders

Cannabis is the most used illicit drug worldwide (UNODC, 2023), and it may become more prevalent as we see an increase in legal...


