Mental Health

Beating the odds in recovery: does employment support benefit the outcomes of psychological therapy?

In today’s fast-paced world, the relationship between employment and mental health has never been more crucial. Not only does employment provide financial stability,...

8 Steps To Recovery From Car Accident Trauma

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Digital CBT for depression or anxiety and long-term medical conditions

In England, around 15.4 million people live with at least one long-term medical condition (LTCs), and nearly a third of these individuals also...

Cause of death in people with bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder (BD) also known as ‘bipolar affective disorder’, is a mental health condition associated with changes in mood (usually between depression and...

Why Do People Feel Numb After A Breakup: 3 Reasons

Why do people feel numb after a breakup? Either they feel too much or they feel nothing. They put themselves on autopilot mode...


