
7 Common Traits of Introverted Kids

Introverted kids have an inner world that is alive and present for them. They engage with the deeper aspects of life. As an introverted...

Why Introverts Are Happier With Fewer Friends

In a world fixated on quantity, fewer friends mean deeper connections with those who truly understand us. In a world that often sings the...

I’m an Introvert. Please Don’t Put Me on the Spot.

Being put on the spot can be painful for introverts, as their deep-thinking brains need time to process and reflect. There are few things...

You Get More Introverted With Age, According to Science

We all become more introverted as we get older, even the most extroverted among us. I’m a classic introvert, but in my teens and...

How Introverts Can Quiet Negative Thoughts for Greater Peace of Mind

My introverted mind often jumps to worst-case scenarios or gets stuck on thoughts that leave me stressed. The Dave Matthews Band song “The Best...


