
What People Get Wrong About Friendly Introverts

Sometimes, an introvert is the person lighting up the room — only to need hours of alone time to recover afterward. I’m an introvert,...

How Singing in a Choir Can Empower Introverts

There is no small talk in singing. Everyone in the room is there for the same purpose: to sing. A few months ago, I...

10 Signs You’re an Extroverted Introvert

If you’re an extroverted introvert, you don’t have the energy to maintain a large social network, but you do find relationships deeply fulfilling. Does...

15 Things You Should Never Do to Your Introverted Child

All introverts have some basic rules. If you understand what they are, parenting them will go much smoother! Parenting an introverted child can be...

Recharge and Relax with Hobbies Perfect for Introverts

Do you ever just crave a peaceful corner of your own to recharge? You know, the kind of placewhere everything feels a little...


