
This Is a Better Term for ‘Highly Sensitive Person’

Sometimes it’s hard to see the good in being sensitive because people often view it as a bad thing. It’s time to change...

Why Friendships Are Worse Now—Especially for Introverts

If you’ve been feeling like it’s harder than ever to make and keep close friends, trust me—you’re not imagining things. Friendships, especially the...

How Introverts Can Avoid Social Burnout

For introverts, there are times to be social, and times to let FOMO pass. I admit it took me 41 years to realize I...

Why Introverts Might Get the ‘Weekend Blues’ — And How to Cope

The weekend blues happen when you should be enjoying your time off, but instead, you feel guilty, lonely, or anxious. Do introverts get the...

Introverted Kids Don’t Need to Be Fixed

Quiet, sensitive kids aren’t flawed, and extroversion is not a requirement for health, goodness, or normalcy. It’s 1994. I’m five years old, walking hand-in-hand...


