
The Benefits of Spending Time Alone in Public

Going to public places on your own honors your need to be solitary while at the same time giving you a little social...

Why Being Married to an Extrovert Is a Secret Win for Introverts

One perk of being married to an extrovert is having a spontaneous companion who’s always ready to join you on any adventure. We’ve all...

Introverts Excel as Leaders — So Why Are Quiet Women Still Left Behind?

Too often, an introvert’s quietness can be misconstrued as rudeness, weakness, or a lack of passion. A well-meaning manager at a previous job once...

9 Common Mistakes Parents Make With Introverted Kids

Teach your introverted child that it’s perfectly okay to have just a few close friends and enjoy spending time alone. I have always felt...

I Thought Everyone Did These Things. Then I Realized I’m an HSP.

As a highly sensitive introvert, my thoughts can splinter into a thousand different directions in a split second. For as long as I can...


