
4 Wall Ball Exercises That Work Your Entire Body

Wall ball exercises are a staple in strength training workouts for their benefits to strength, power, and coordination. And because these exercises generally work...

Top 8 Rotational Exercises for Maximum Strength and Power

When it comes to building functional strength and explosive power, most people focus on exercises like deadlifts, squats, and presses. But to truly...

Journaling prompts to use this fall

Sharing some journaling prompts you can use as we wrap up the last portion of the year.  Hiiii friends! Happy Wednesday! What do you...

3 Ways to Look More Vascular

Even if you’re just starting out, fitness leaves clues: physical vigor, greater ease of movement, a flat stomach, etc. If you stick with...

Martin Fitzwater’s Lower Body Workout Tips For Muscular Legs

Martin Fitzwater, aka “The Martian,” has two of the most impressive pins ever displayed on a bodybuilding stage, but it took trial and...


