Eye Care

Lafont Pour Les Enfants FW2024

Artisan-crafted and fashionably fun eyewear designed specifically for young glasses wearers for every stage of school and play. Lafont offers a...

Takaori To Debut In Europe

Takaori officially debuts in Europe at the BOLD Optical Fair (8-9 September), a collection of eyewear entirely hand-crafted in Japan. The...

Overcoming Self-Doubt in the Ever-Evolving Eye-Care Industry

In the fast-paced and constantly evolving field of eye care, professionals are often faced with the challenge of staying ahead of...

Euroinsights – Sun-sational Sunnies! | The Optical Journal

Picnics and popsicles, bike riding, and books for the beach, sun, and surf – outdoor pursuits are plentiful during the summer...

Rollout Of The Silhouette Group Academy Continues

The Silhouette Group Academy ushers in a whole new era of learning for eyecare professionals. The revolutionary training platform provides information...


