
Become BioLogical- THE Course – Queen of Dental Hygiene


This blog has been quiet of late because big things are happening behind the scenes!

My journey to become a true healthcare provider, a healer, and the best BioLogical dental health practitioner took years to learn. I searched for answers that weren’t in my hygiene textbooks, magazines, or continuing education courses. I wanted to know why what I learned in school was not working. Why was there so much tooth decay, especially when I had my patients using fluoride and more fluoride? What was the real cause of tooth decay? Why did some family members have it and others not, especially when they had the same diet? What to do about sensitive teeth? Why were gums still bleeding when there was little to no plaque? So many questions with no answers. To say the least, I was frustrated, and then curious. I wanted solutions and answers to all my unanswered questions. This sent me on a path of discovery and led me to become a published writer and an international public speaker.


Which brings me to today’s Queen of Dental Hygiene post! My “BioBesties” Fran Horning BRDH, Kathryn Gilliam BRDH, and I are hosting a 2+ day hands-on BioLogical training course called RDH BOOST (Bioloigcal Options for Oral Systemic Therapy) so we can share our combined knowledge with dental professionals.

 The workshop is a combination of lectures and hands-on experience in biological dental health. Lectures will entail things like terrain vs. germ theory, patient labs – what to look for and how to interpret, alternative caries prevention methods, use of ozone in hygiene, airway and myofunctional therapy, use of phase contrast microscopy and salivary testing for pathogen identification, and an introduction to meridians, homeopathy, and energy medicine. It’s a full 2-days of information to take your dental hygiene department to the next level. Hands-on activities will include oral cancer screening, preparing slides for microscopy, using ozone for pocket insufflation, and other modalities.

Phase contrast microscopy has been around since the 1960s, and so many dental hygienists “did it in school” but then graduated and never did it again. For me, seeing the pathogens moving and reacting in their natural environment has made all the difference in my ability to help my patients heal. It is motivational for patients. Seeing the pathogens before they cause destruction and damage, and then addressing them/changing the oral microbiome is the key to dental health. It was the foundation for my paradigm shift into being BioLogical. We know oral pathogens travel within the body to the heart, lungs, joints, and brain. The same inflammation they cause in the mouth also happens in these other body parts. Do our oral spirochetes play a role in Alzheimer’s dementia? Quite possibly! Thus, it is incumbent upon us to test, teach, and treat our patients so we help them to be their healthiest best selves. Then we must ask ourselves why the immune system is allowing this dysbiosis. Let’s answer these questions and so many more.

The course will be in The Woodlands, TX starting the evening of January 9th, all day on the 10th and 11th. We have a dental office with a conference room so we can immediately practice what we learn.


Dental hygienists and Dentists- Start the New Year making your dental hygiene practice the best it can be. Join us for this innovative, hands-on course that takes a comprehensive look at the root causes of oral diseases. Then, we’ll empower you with the tools and knowledge to guide your patients on their journey to optimal health. Let’s move beyond the toothbrush/floss lecture, and together, we can transform the way we approach dental health!

Come be “BioLogical!

See in you Houston!


Barbara Tritz BRDH

Loving science, especially biology, from an early age, Barbara is a registered dental hygienist, certified biological hygienist, and orofacial myofunctional therapist. In 2019, she received the Hu-Friedy/ADHA Master Clinician Award from the American Dental Hygienist Association.

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