A charity has called on the new Labour government to overhaul the “grossly unfair” Carer’s Allowance.
The Carers Trust says if the new UK Government is serious about growing the economy, the broken Carer’s Allowance system must change.
Labour has said kickstarting economic growth to boost living standards is its top priority.
‘Almost impossible to combine work and caring’
Dominic Carter, of the Carers Trust, says it’s almost impossible to combine work and caring if you are claiming Carer’s Allowance
Dominic Carter is the Carers Trust’s policy director.
He stressed that Carer’s Allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind. Only those providing care for at least 35 hours a week and earning less than £151 per week can claim it.
Carter said the rules mean “it’s almost impossible for someone to combine work and caring if they claim Carer’s Allowance”.
Controversial prosecutions
Before the election, Labour promised to look at Carer’s Allowance following thousands of controversial prosecutions of carers who had exceeded the earnings limit.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said the benefits system had to be fair to those providing the care.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has come under fire for targeting carers who had inadvertently gone over the earnings limit.
Carers ‘save Government £162 billion’
Campaigners say carers save the Government £162 billion a year. This is almost as much as the NHS’s £181.7 billion budget for 2022/23.
Vivienne Groom, from Tarvin, near Chester, was among those the DWP prosecuted.
The DWP took her £16,000 inheritance from her 91-year-old mother, Maud, after she admitted failing to declare part-time earnings.
The 59-year-old carer insisted a social worker told her she did not have to declare the work and it was an honest mistake.
The DWP said the new Government’s position on Carer’s Allowance will become clearer in the coming weeks.
Published: 14 July 2024