
25 Illustrations That Capture the Joy of Living Alone as an Introvert


Being on your own doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, it can be exactly what an introvert needs to thrive.

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to live alone, you know just how glorious it can be — especially if you’re an introvert who thrives in solitude.

Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As

Yaoyao Ma Van As, a painter and illustrator in Los Angeles, lived alone for eight years before getting married. She created a gorgeous series of drawings about the magic of being on her own.

Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As

Yaoyao, who describes herself as introverted and shy, draws inspiration for her artwork from her own experiences — and especially from times of solitude, such as when she’s exercising or listening to music.

Yaoyao Ma Van As

The 34-year-old has done background art for shows like “Rick and Morty” and “BoJack Horseman.” Unfortunately, working in the industry left little time to draw for herself.

Yaoyao Ma Van As

That’s why Yaoyao created a series about living alone — like her independent life, this artwork was all hers.

Yaoyao Ma Van As

“Whether living alone or living together, I just want people to be comfortable being with themselves,” she told Introvert, Dear.

Yaoyao Ma Van As

Her drawings often include her nonhuman “roommate” — her beloved dog Parker.

Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As

Because of her introversion, Yaoyao admits that she can be “pretty socially awkward” in certain situations. “That said, I also like to speak my mind when it’s necessary,” she told Introvert, Dear.

Yaoyao Ma Van As

Her drawings focus on her favorite aspects of living alone. She would often draw, take a bath, or just get lost in the moment of enjoying her own company.

Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao Ma Van As

Her message for introverts? “You can express yourself in different ways, and those ways can speak just as loudly as being extroverted.”

Yaoyao Ma Van As

Also, being on your own doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, it can be just what an introvert needs.

Yaoyao Ma Van As

You can see more of Yaoyao’s illustrations or purchase prints of them on her website. You can also follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

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